Sunday, July 31, 2011

Old Town.

Ah! It's so tiring clearing up my damn messy room!

Anyway this evening I brought my family to Old Town White Coffee at 1Borneo for dinner (my treat today) and it was great. Old Town White Coffee, located just near to Nyonya House (the one I mentioned in my previous previous post) is a good place to chill, I love the theme color, very comfortable and the foods are not very pricey, quite affordable. I didn't snap much photos today (I'm not a camera whore as I used to be lol).

This is Old Town White Coffee. Stole it from someone's page haha (sorry!)

This is my meal! Hainanese Chicken Chop with Rice, Rootbeer Float and Bread with Condensed Milk on top :)

Me and my sistah.

And then me, mom and sis went to Watson to, you know, kill time. I bough these sweethearts! (I always love Revlon's product!)

And then we went home and I saw this on the dining table. #AWWWYEAHHH #FOREVERFAT

My diet won't work. I'm surrounded by addictive and god graciously delicious foods :(

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